What's going on in December?!
18 days ago, Tabby Evans
Dec. Dates
When your art teacher's sub gets sick you get Mr. Kaufman as a sub
about 1 month ago, Washington Township Elementary School
2025 School Board Meeting Dates
about 1 month ago, East Porter County School Corporation
2025 board Meeting Dates
2025/2026 School Calendar
about 1 month ago, East Porter County School Corporation
25/26 School Calendar
Nature Night is coming!!!
about 1 month ago, Tabby Evans
Nature Night
Good Afternoon Senators, Monday, November 11th is our Annual Veteran's Day Program. We will be holding the program in the Senator Gymnasium at the high school beginning at 9 am as we did last year so that all k-12 students and community members are welcome. If you plan on attending, please fill out the link below so we have an idea for a count and can recognize our Veterans in Attendance. We will have a small reception following the event for veterans with coffee, cookies, and water thanks to the WTE PTO and Family Express. Thank you and have a wonderful day! Mr. Kaufman https://forms.gle/cF3uJTvjWdSB7fY98
about 1 month ago, Washington Township Elementary School
Veteran's Day!
Tomorrow is picture retake day! Also any new or previously absent students will have their picture taken.
about 1 month ago, Tabby Evans
Clocks go back tonight!
about 2 months ago, Tabby Evans
Fall back
Congratulations to our First 9 Weeks B+ Honor Roll Award Winners!
about 2 months ago, Washington Township Elementary School
Our First 9 Weeks B+ Honor Roll Award Winners!
Our First 9 Weeks B+ Honor Roll Award Winners!
NOTICE: SURVEY ENDING ON NOVEMBER 1ST! East Porter is excited to inform you about an important initiative that our school corporation is considering – the development of a preschool program. Your input is crucial in shaping this endeavor, and we would greatly appreciate a few moments of your time to complete this survey. We would like parents with children who may enroll in preschool, ages 3 and 4, for the 2025-2026 school year to respond. Please share with others in the community! Survey URL: https://bit.ly/EP-PRESCHOOL
about 2 months ago, East Porter County School Corporation
Flyer for preschool interst
You are invited to our Veterans Day Program. Please reach out to any veteran that you know and ask them to attend!
about 2 months ago, Tabby Evans
Veterans Day
eLearning is coming! We will not be in school on Nov. 5th.
about 2 months ago, Tabby Evans
Activities for November!
about 2 months ago, Tabby Evans
November Dates
Make some plans to eat out on Wednesday! Support WT Athletics!
2 months ago, Tabby Evans
Red Robin
🎉Exciting news! Our first quarter newsletter, The Pulse of East Porter, is here! Click the link below to get all the details. 🎉 https://www.eastporter.k12.in.us/article/1830777
2 months ago, East Porter County School Corporation
Newsletter page 1
Newsletter page 2
Newsletter page 3
We are in school on Wednesday, 10/23!
2 months ago, Tabby Evans
It's that time of the year again! We have early dismissal on Monday and Tuesday!
2 months ago, Tabby Evans
early dismissal
East Porter is excited to inform you about an important initiative that our school corporation is considering – the development of a preschool program. Your input is crucial in shaping this endeavor, and we would greatly appreciate a few moments of your time to complete this survey. We would like parents who have children who may enroll in preschool, ages 3 and 4, for the 2025-2026 school year to respond. Please share with others in the community! Survey URL: https://bit.ly/EP-PRESCHOOL
2 months ago, East Porter County School Corporation
Pictures of preschool children, art supplies, and a classroom
Due to unforeseen circumstances, East Porter will not have a quorum for tonight’s board meeting, with only three members available. We will meet briefly, but no official business will be conducted. The meeting will be postponed, and a new date will be announced once determined.
2 months ago, East Porter County School Corporation